She has served in various capacities including: Head Christian Education Department, Choir President & Director, Youth
President, Activities Coordinator, Adult Sunday School
Teacher, Headed Peforming Arts/Drama, and Executive Director Of Benevolent Love Women.
Ministries where she include founded:
Daughters of Zelopedad, Scarlet Cord Women Ministries Inc., Boyz To Men Fashion Show, Implemented Beauty For Ashes,
Executive Director of Capital Campaign Building/Construction, and Special Events Coordinator
She holds a Bachelor of Theology from Berean College
Associate of Science Degree in ECED
She is a recipient of a Bachelor of Science in Education from the Cleveland State University
Masters of Education in Urban Integrated Studies from Cambridge College in Boston,
Massachusetts and a licensed social worker in the State of Ohio.
She earned her Administrative License for Principal in Upper Elementary, Middle & High School
from Ashland University.
She is a Christian Counselor and has an established relationship in referrals with NorthCoast
Family Counseling. Pastor Pope has an ongoing relationship with Western Reserve Hospice’s
chaplaincy clergy. She established close ties with city of Cleveland councilman for her ward and is
very active with the Street Club President in matters that focus on education opportunities and t
he betterment of our street and community.
Interior Decorating
She is a woman who loved and cherished her husband and embraces the vision that God had
given him for the church; a wonderful mother and grandmother who adores her grandchildren.
Like her husband, she has touched so many lives both spiritually and naturally. Our Pastor’s
passion for scripture is evident in the intense delivery of her messages. She is a passionate,
sensitive and spiritually connected individual who strives for excellence in all facets of her life.
One of her favorite quotes is “God Can’t Lie!” She stood with our Senior Pastor, and now stands as
Pastor and Administrator of Church-Affairs where she is a guiding-force in the financial future of
BLM. She along with her executive staff of deacons and trustees influence the day to day business
of the church. She is well-informed and very meticulous in detail and organization.
Anything Can Happen!